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Free Fantasy SFX Pack - by TomMusic

Contains over 200 SFX to use in your Fantasy Projects!


  • Over 20 bow and sword SFX!
  • Over 20 Spell SFX with variations!
  • Over 20 seamless loopable background SFX in night and day with weather variations!
  • Over 50 Footstep SFX with multiple terrain types, including dirt, stone, wood, and water!
  • Doors, chests, and Gates!
  • Chopping and Mining SFX!
  • Rivers, Waterfalls, and Streams!

This audio has been optimized for games in OGG and WAV format, the Industry Standard for all game engines. 

Royalty-free! You can use this in your projects, commercial or otherwise, credit is not mandatory but appreciated. The asset is not to be up for resale or redistribution.

Full pack available at: https://tommusic.itch.io/full-250-fantasy-sfx-pack

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars
(12 total ratings)
TagsAction-Adventure, Audio, Fantasy, fantasy-sfx, game-audio, Music, Royalty Free, Sound effects, sound-fx


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Free Fantasy SFX Pack By TomMusic.zip 317 MB


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Hello, I wanted to inform you that I used your free assets in my first indie game Eye of the Beerholder, available here on itch: https://coros-games.itch.io/eye-of-the-beerholder

I mentioned you in the game credits. Thank you very much.

Fantastic! Always love to see them used in projects! Thanks for crediting me! :)

Great Sounds! Really thank you!
 I used some of them in a (free) RPG on mobile : Playstore : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.godotengine.franckushimama

Appstore : https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/franckushimama/id6504882306

Thanks for the link! Will definitely check them out! Great to see them being used in released projects!

Just downloaded this pack and had a listen. These are some really good sound effects for the low low price of free. Much appreciated.

Glad you like them! If you make anything with them let me know as I am always happy to see them get used!

Planning to, but nothing to sharer yet. I hope you're going to expand on these sound effects.

Absolutely! Working on my next batch that will be released soon!

If I'm allowed to make some suggestions: Animal Sounds, various hit sounds for different weapons or no weapons (fists) I find are to acquire in decent quality. 

Regrettably you put all the good stuff I needed in the free pack, and only added a little more to the paid one, haha. Regardless, I'll check out the new pack once it arrives. How do you feel about making custom sound effects for people? I might be interested in commission some stuff if it's not too expensive and you're capable.

Those are some good ideas! I can certainly put something together, animal noises might be tricky to get though! (Might need to visit a zoo with my field recorder for those!) 

Happy to do commissions if you are looking for particular sounds! Pop me an email on: tom.gamemusic@gmail.com and we can discuss more!

I used some sounds in my first game. Really cool pack

Check it if you want: https://goblinscorps.itch.io/cercius

Thanks for sharing! Looks really cool! Keep up the good work!

Hey! I made a small game project with some of your sound effects. Thanks for the awesome work!

In case you wanna check it out: https://douglasrbto.itch.io/knightly-survival


Thanks for sharing and i am glad you like them! Always love seeing them get used!

very thanks guy!!! following now

No problem! Look forward to seeing you use them!

Thank you so, so much for this! I can't wait to use this in a project of mine!! :D It's just for class atm but I want to one day polish it up and of course will link and give credit!! :D

No problem at all! Let me know when you have polished it up! Would love to see it!

Hi there, just to say thank you for sharing your content, I've used some these in a demo I've recently updated: https://ringot.itch.io/backtothedark

Glad you liked these and thanks for sharing the project you used them in! Looks awesome!

I am making a game and am using these and will credit you and thanks for the amazing SFX assets they are incredibly useful


Great! Look forward to seeing this soon!


please forgive me. I am really so sorry... Its Your Original Work (Please don't think bad Idea I am afraid for copyrights)?

I am mean it's your original work it's not copy other people or cartoon or TV show or movie or Anime or anything like that? Please forgive me my questions...

I can use and I can sell my game on EpicStore or itch.io or steam or any site use your model? Of course I give you credit. I promise you


Absolutely! You can use these in any commercial project! I simply ask you credit me when you use them!